Hey what's up everybody this is Chuck with HoSquared Marketing and this is 60 seconds with Chuck.
Today we're going to talk about bounce rate. What is Bounce rate Chuck?
Well I'll tell you it's the time it takes somebody to land on your website and then bounce right off to somebody else's. Because they weren't interested or couldn't find out about what your product was. We like to use videos to keep people on our website so let's take a look at a good one.
Digital Guard Dawg losing your keys never felt so good. What is that? top Builders use it.
Strickland Racing heard of that.
Chopper City USA heard of them let's scroll down a little bit more. Motorcycles. Oh we have some videos!
We are going to watch these videos, learn about the product stay on the website a little longer and then be sold and order. Right!
So let's take a look at another one Lil' Advents what is Lil' Advents? I don't know it's got a little kid on here. Got a video on here. Potty Time Adventures. I bet you it's about how to potty train your child. So I'm going to watch a video stay on your website a little more and get sold.
Purchase your product. So therefore I won't bounce to somebody else. I'll stay on here and get sold.
So if you have any questions about digital marketing reach out to me Chuck at HoSquared Marketing and have a great day.
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